Monday, November 5, 2012

Protest Poster - False Profit

Hit the jump for the Artist's Statement.

Artist's Statement

How could you be a worthy priesthood holder while perpetuating a brutal war of choice? How can you be Christlike and charitable when you deny your poorest countrymen access to health care? These are all contradictions I wanted to bring to the viewer's mind with my poster, and some personal conflicts I needed to think through. While I don't advocate Obama either, I feel like I can and should speak on Romney due to our mutual belief systems. I feel like compassion is integral to Mormonism - not just a condescending compassion, but one of equality and understanding. We are all peers, and we should remember that in every action that we take.

This poster is an homage/rip-off of Robbie Conal's amazing work:

Although it's not nearly as good or well made as his stuff, I was able to learn a great deal my mimicking his style. I tried to come up with something as clever as "Contra Diction" but fell short. It still gets my point across and is a good double entendre, but it lacks the subtlety of Conal's posters. Still, I'm proud of it.

I posted this on Facebook and, quite conspicuously, only my Australian friends commented or liked it. I feel like it's because political beliefs are a bit of a no-no on social networking in America, but it was interesting to hear from an international perspective.

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